Letter to all Presidents from sister Iris Lloyd

Hello Membership,

Below is a letter sister Iris has sent out to all local presidents.

Hello Presidents,
Attached to this email you will find a signed MOA between Government and the NBCSDU CUPE 1253. Government has acknowledged there is a recruitment and retention crisis for Power Engineers. Therefore, they have come to the 1253 council with a Resourcing adjustment of 25% for the following classifications,

Custodial Foreperson with a Class 4 Power Engineer License. Job specs include checking maintaining boiler systems,
Power Engineer 1
Power Engineer 2
School Plant Superintendent

There will be lots of questions from our members. Please reach out to your maintenance to gather questions or comments to bring to the President’s meeting. I do not have the document in French, as we bargain in English. I do apologize.

Our Annual Presidents meeting will be held on Saturday November 18th 10am, at the Fredericton Inn. As is our tradition lunch will be provided. Please RSVP no later than Friday November 10th. If you have any dietary restrictions, please let Charline know in the RSVP. secretarytreasure@1253.ca
The Hotel as of now has no rooms left available for the night of November 17th. Please start looking for accommodations elsewhere as we have asked to be placed on a cancelation list. If you need a room and want to be placed on the cancelation list, please let Charline know ASAP. This meeting is only for Presidents. If you are unable to attend and are sending an Alternate, please let Charline know.

This is also a reminder that Charline needs the contact information for your locals Treasurer. If you haven’t already done so, please reach out to Charline with the contact details. In saying all of this, Per Capita Payments are due up until Sept 30th 2023. If your local has not paid Per Capita to 1253, I kindly ask you to do so. As of now, our Bylaws have not been sent back for approval from National from our September convention. I will let the locals know when they do.

Our Cupe 1253 Website is up and running 1253.ca. All upcoming events will be added to our website. Please check there frequently for updates. We are currently working on a new social media page that will be added to our website when up and running.

See you all on the 18th,
Iris Lloyd,
NBCSDU President

All presidents meeting @ Fredericton Inn November 18th 10am

All presidents please join your 1253 executive for an all presidents meeting on November 18th 2023 at the Fredericton Inn starting at 10:00am, Lunch will be provided and if you have dietary restrictions please reach out to Secertarytreasure@1253.ca

Please R.S.V.P By November 10th at 5pm so we can order the lunch

Moving forward the executive team is working hard to establish a new Facebook page for all members to be able to access and will be posting the link shortly on the website, Please stay tuned.

Hope to see you all there on the 18th.


NOVEMBER 19, 2022
Message to CUPE 1253 Members

Your Local Executive has been made aware that the provincial government has had 2 legal opinion memos leaked to the media. In one of those memos dated in June 2022, the government was asking its lawyers to see what hurdles they would face if they did privatization of bussing here in New Brunswick.

The other memo explained the numerous legal and constitutional hurdles Higgs would face if he wanted to impose bilingual bussing through a privatization by September 2023.

Thankfully, your hard-won collective agreement protects you from privatization. The legal memo made this evident.  In the Legislature, Higgs said he had asked for those memos because CUPE members are looking for a significant raise in salary. While it’s clear future wage settlements should be fair and reflect rising inflation, we feel Premier Higgs is very much confused on the facts as we are NOT in bargaining and have NOT put forward any proposals or dates in which to bargain as our contract does not expire until March 31, 2024…

Education Minister Bill Hogan said he would not do bilingual buses, but he has not been clear enough on his government’s intention after 2024 for privatization. We will send him a letter asking him to know where he and his government stand on this bad idea.

Our education system needs adequate resources to improve working conditions to deal with the recruitment and retention of staff, like bus drivers. Rest assured, the public support us and knows well our school bussing system is not broken, so we don’t need an imaginary fix.

Your local will remain vigilant and keep you informed on this. To all members, keep up the great work in serving the public and keeping New Brunswick children safe.

In Solidarity,

CUPE 1253 Executive

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Dear Co-workers, the New Brunswick Council of School District Unions CUPE 1253 would like to address the current COVID-19 virus situation that has now closed our schools for two weeks, our province and country is facing a situation that none of us has ever experienced before, the out come truly depends on our actions. We are asking that each one of you become aware to of your surroundings and protect yourself and your loved ones following the advice of the many professionals that know best, social distancing, washing hands, staying home unless necessary to leave etc., in order to stay healthy. Safety is NOT negotiable and most importantly be compassionate and kind to one to another as we go through this difficult time.

At this time many districts have notified their employees of the two weeks of school closure and that it would be treated as storm day pay, your President Iris Lloyd has been working diligently to keep in contact with the Dept. of Education and our sister local, Local 2745’s president Theresa McAllister to ensure all members questions and concerns are heard. We still have unanswered questions and will not stop until they are answered, the situation is changing daily, and we will apprise the membership as we learn more details.

NBCSDU, CUPE 1253 Executive


Important message from your Negotiation Team

CUPE 1253 Council has been protecting this Collective Agreement for 52 years. Your Collective Agreement is under attack. It appears this government is trying to strip away our Bargaining power. Your 1253 negotiation team along with all other CUPE locals in this province are continuing to fight back. We are saying no to concessions. To do this we will need continued support from you, the MEMBERS.

This has been the process to date

  • We gave notice to bargain Oct 1st, 2018
  • We exchanged proposals June 5th, 2019
  • To date we have been at the Bargaining table negotiating with the employer approximately 15 days. Your Union has offered many more dates to bargain with the Employer but was unsuccessful in securing more dates.
  • Your Bargaining team went in with a mandate from you the Members. Our Top 3 priorities are Wages, Pension, Job Security

On January 15th your bargaining team met with the employer, we were unable to reach an agreement.

The Employer is looking at the possibility of changing our Defined Pension Plan.

Our job security is under threat with contracting out.

This is the Employers Wage proposal

Apr 2019     .25%                                                 Apr 2021     .25%

Oct 2019     .25%                                               Oct 2021     .25%

Apr 2020     .25 %                                              Apr 2022      .25%

Oct 2020     .25 %                                              Oct 2022     .25%


Your Negotiation Team has rejected this latest proposal.

The team has informed the employer we are making application to the Labour Board for conciliation.

On January 24th your negotiation team filed for conciliation. This means the Labour Board will appoint a Conciliation Officer to assist both parties in trying to reach an agreement.

This does not mean we cannot return to the table at any time, our current collective agreement still applies.

There are steps that must be followed going through the conciliation process.

We will continue to keep you updated in the process. In the meantime, please support your Bargaining team by wearing either your Breaking the Mandate shirt or a black shirt on Fridays. Together we will continue to Bargain Forward for the best of this membership.

In Solidarity,
Your 1253 Negotiating Team