Executive is voting for what they believe in you should as well!!!

Letter from our President!

December 22,2023

To: All CUPE 1253 members
The purpose of this document is to inform members about:
Bill 17 and its impact on CUPE members and free collective bargaining.
1253 members’ responsibilities in the event of political action.

Bill 17 and its impact on CUPE members and free collective bargaining:
Government has recently passed Bill 17 which significantly impacts the members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE).
This legislation breaks signed contracts and promises. This action is a direct attack on free collective bargaining. In response to this attack by government on free collective bargaining, union members may decide to participate in political action.

Members’ responsibilities in the event of political action:
We understand that our members may have questions about the impact of such actions on their work.
In the event of political action, that should not prevent members from entering the workplace. However, if members are prevented from entering the workplace, they should notify their supervisor, superintendent or designate.
CUPE 1253 members must avoid any action that could reasonably jeopardize their personal safety and well being.
You must remain on site and wait for instructions from your employer. It is their responsibility to ensure that there is a safe and secure plan for entering the worksite.
Your local continues to monitor the situation closely and will keep you informed of developments. If you have any questions, please reach out to your local representatives.
Thank you for supporting free collective bargaining.

In Solidarity,
Iris Lloyd,
NBCSDU CUPE 1253 Provincial President